
Healing will come

The below post was written a year ago. If you relate to what is below, please know you are not alone and it is not your fault. There are people who can and will help. There is hope and healing ahead. The joy that comes is worth the journey. You are loved and lovable, dear one. ❤️

Recovering from mental and emotional abuse is hard work. Mind games linger tenaciously, but God is faithful. He walks me through. It’s a journey that requires continually looking to Jesus, forgiveness, a trusted friend, healthy routines, space to grieve, and time.

I still have trouble formulating words, and still have bad dreams. I can see their disgust and hear their scoff during my waking hours. I have to remind myself often that the problem was not me – they need help more than me and I pity them. They have chosen to live a lie.

I will praise God as I remember how Jesus and others fully trusted God even when people were mean and things didn’t make sense. I will thank Him for opening my eyes. I thank Him that all of our sufferings do not end in defeat but in victory!

My story will not end in shame or guilt or embarrassment or fear. I will walk in confidence in Jesus, in trust that His opinion of me is what counts, in thankfulness, and in joy.

What happened was not my fault and does not define me. I will not abandon being part of community. I will keep serving others. I will love as God equips me to love (I can only give what I’ve been given). I will live up to the potential God has put inside of me. I will trust Him to heal me. I will trust my gut. I will work with leaders who match their words to actions and who have accountability in their life. I will support and encourage others to look to Christ for their healing.

I am a child of God, and He will make something beautiful out of this chapter of my journey. This will not be wasted.

Father God, have your way in me. Your will be done and your kingdom come. I ask for healing, and for strength to keep leaning into You. In Jesus’ name.

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